International Wrestling League 01.10.13 Результаты

International Wrestling League 01.10.13 Результаты

Категория: Мексиканский рестлинг Автор: Psycho_Sid 05.10.2013 Просмотры: 631

International Wrestling League 01.10.13 Результаты

Three Way Match
Toxin Boy defeats Angel Misterioso and Aspid

Ten Man Tag Team Match
As Jr., Gato Salvaje Jr., Gotita de Plata, Harry Potter & Voltron defeat Concord, Halcon 2000, Payaso Clown, Sacristan del Diablo & The Medic's I

Copa Funcion Estelar IWL Torneo Cibernetico Match
Fresero Jr. defeats Arceus and Arkanos and Centinela and Corcel Infernal and Fly Metalik and Fly Star and Jhonky and Loco Max and Shadow

IWL Lightweight Title Match
The Medic's III (c) defeats Kid Jaguar

Eight Man Tag Team Match
Dement Xtreme, Los Compadres Extremos (Aeroboy & Violento Jack) & Pesadilla defeat Los Porros (Angel O Demonio, Leon Rojo, Obett & Perico)

WWA World Trios Title Match
La Secta Negra (Carta Brava Jr., Cerebro Negro & Fantasma de la Opera) (c) defeat Trio Fantasia (Super Muneco, Super Pinocho & Super Raton) by Ringrichterentscheid

IWL World Heavyweight Title Five Way Elimination Match
Dr. Wagner Jr. defeats LA Par-K (c) and El Canek and Super Crazy and Villano IV - TITLE CHANGE !!!


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